The Middle Leader's Playbook

The Middle Leaders Playbook
Middle Leaders Play book
The middle Leader in any school occupies a distinctive position and a critical role, as illustrated in the graphic above.

Without effective and influential middle leaders, it is impossible for a school to translate strategic intention into successful outcomes.

Middle leaders are usually department heads or team leaders, and their importance to the school is often not reflected in the training and development they receive.

This program addresses the important skill set required to empower the people working a this level of leadership.

The skills addressed include:
  • Self-management and personal responsibility.
  • Influence and 'influencing upward'.
  • Team leadership, including working with difference in your team.
  • Strategic decision-making.
  • Confident Conversations using the 'Positive Outcome Process'.
  • Priority management.
  • Managing difficult people.
The program can be adapted, by negotiation, to the context and time availability of the middle leaders in your school.
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