Purchase Book Minding The Gap
Book Minding The Gap: Author Rob Stones.
The Covid-19 pandemic has rocked the world. Many people are now questioning the things which they had previously taken for granted. If ever there was a time for a book that deals directly with the uncertainty and unpredictability of human life, it is now! 'MINDING THE GAP' is that book.
The opening lines of 'Minding the Gap' capture the spirit of the age: "That we live in an uncertain world is certain - one of the few things that we can all be sure of!" However, the author is no Nostradamus. He has a completely different purpose - to reveal the intricacies of human mental life in a way that will enable the reader to manage their own mind and brain in order to thrive.
Despite the uncertainty of life, there is much that we can control. We are born with little more than a bag of skin enclosing bones, organs, and brain. It is the brain - and the mind which emanates from it - that form the human control system. Gaining the knowledge with which to use the conscious and unconscious elements of our machinery of self-governance, we can be liberated to live the life we want to lead.
Subtitled: 'Choosing to Thrive in an Uncertain World', this insightful and thought-provoking book gives the reader a very down-to-earth perspective on mind management, and on ways to practise pragmatic mindfulness to support a rich and meaningful life.
Purchase the Book 'Book Minding The Gap' securely now $25.00 + ph Australia
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