Coaching by Rob

School Executive Coaching
Rob can bring clarity and certainty to the situations faced by school executives.
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School Team Coaching
Rob prefers to work with all team members together so that he can facilitate conversations that bring the team together.
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Leadership Development Coaching
Rob brings insight, experience, and practical wisdom to his leadership development coaching.
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School Change Coaching
As the author and developer of the Rational Change Model, Rob can guide schools through change processes.
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Teacher Performance Coaching
Working in the complex adaptive system that is the school classroom, even the best teachers become overwhelmed at times.
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Mediation and Negotiation
Rob works calmly and supportively with the parties involved in conflict, or those having difficulty reaching an agreement.
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Executive Coaching for School Leaders
Rob has worked with school leaders who:
- Have a clear goal in mind and want to think through the processes required to harness the energy and engagement of their school team.
- Want to create collaborative communities and sort through the complexities of working with many stakeholders.
- Would like to improve relationships either with or within their staff.
- Are seeking support with the management of strategic change.
- Are feeling overwhelmed and in need of collegial support to manage aspects of their leadership and their life.
Because the Reality Thinking Process mimics the way the mind works when it is calm and confident, Rob can bring clarity and certainty to the situations faced by school executives. He also brings insights from his 21 years as a school Principal and 15 years as an executive coach to each coaching conversation.

School Team Coaching
Rob has worked with school teams in a wide variety of situations, always leaving them with a greater commitment to their individual and team roles and an enhanced understanding of the part that each team member plays in team effectiveness.
Rob prefers to work with all team members together so that he can facilitate conversations that bring the team together and help them appreciate what each of them brings to the team role.
Using the Reality Thinking methodology, Rob uses processes that enhance team cohesion and expose the unhelpful beliefs and assumptions that are interfering with team performance.

Leadership Development Coaching
As a school Principal for 21 years and a leadership development coach for more than 50 years, Rob brings insight, experience, and practical wisdom to his leadership development coaching.
Combining the RT Coaching model with his leadership development expertise Rob can offer outstanding guidance and support for both individuals and groups.

School Change Coaching
As a school Principal for 21 years and a leadership development coach for more than 50 years, Rob brings insight, experience, and practical wisdom to his leadership development coaching.
Combining the RT Coaching model with his leadership development expertise Rob can offer outstanding guidance and support for both individuals and groups.

Teacher Performance Coaching
Rob believes that teaching may be the hardest job there is. Working in the complex adaptive system that is the school classroom, even the best teachers become overwhelmed at times.
Rob's work with teachers is focused on helping them cut through extraneous demands on their time and energy to renew the enthusiasm and clarity of purpose which is the hallmark of all effective teachers.

Mediation and Negotiation
Rob adapts the RTthinking process to unite individuals in pursuit of their common purpose. Most workplace discord has its origins in different beliefs about the best way to work with students, or disagreements about values-in-action.
Rob works calmly and supportively with the parties involved in conflict, or those having difficulty reaching an agreement, and enables them to resolve their differences and appreciate each other’s point of view.
Both teachers and leaders with whom Rob has worked in this way appreciate his non-partisan approach and the way he brings clarity to divisive issues to produce new options.
Coaching Methodology
Rob uses a coaching method grounded in cognitive psychology.
The Reality Thinking Process is a powerful but non-intrusive coaching method that is totally focused on the agenda of the client or client group.
This RT Coaching model is adapted to the situations and needs of each client to help them find positive options for the next steps in their journey.