Leadership by Design

Rob's signature program is a four-day intensive leadership program based on the psychology of optimal performance.
The program is based on a thorough understanding of human behaviour and motivation. Beginning from clarity about why people do what they do, the program has been developed through the no-nonsense actions and approaches that a leader needs to optimise influence within the school community, build highly effective teams and create a potent and success-focused school culture.
The FutureShape Leadership matrix, illustrated below, is one of the two frameworks on which the program is based.
It places leadership and management of self at the heart of all successful leadership behaviour.
The other foundation framework is the 'Leader-Mind Equation' which is the theme of one of the books authored by the program designer:
E = C + D + C - D
Effectiveness = Capability + Direction + Commitment - Distractions
The equation helps leaders to maintain their focus on effectiveness and harness the best from themselves and their staff whatever is happening in the busy world of education.
Leadership by Design is Experiential
The program approach is based on the understanding that knowledge alone does not result in competence. Creating a learning environment in which capability is developed through experience is essential to a profession in which leaders must perform under the pressure of time and circumstances.
'Leadership by Design' is an experiential program, not a lecture series. It is experiential learning in at least four ways:
There will be challenging experiences and activities during the program. You may have to step outside your comfort zone to manage these situations.
You will be expected to learn new skills and commit yourself to practising them. The program presenter will create a supportive environment to assist participant practice, but it is still often challenging to step from the 'expert' place into the role of beginner.
You will have many opportunities to connect the ideas and models of reality that you encounter in the program with the models and realities that you experience at your school.
The many conversations and exchanges that are held between participants offer new perceptions and challenges to the assumptions that may be taken for granted.
Program Summary
- 4 days of experiential learning (Can be 2 x 2 days).
- Presentation and facilitation by the program designer.
- Open to Principals and those in associate leadership roles from State Primary and High Schools.