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- Jul 10 2024
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- 748 recent views
Living in 'The Gap'
The Gap is our inescapable inheritance, the dubious gift bestowed on us by our humanity - by the ways in which our brain is wired.
Living in 'The Gap'
- Jul 05 2024
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- 523 recent views
I told them, but they didn't listen!
We hear it from bosses, parents and teachers, from politicians and spouses, from law enforcement professionals and from medical experts.
I told them, but they didn't listen!
- Feb 02 2021
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- 3812 recent views
What is the Leader-Mind Equation?
The Leader-Mind Equation is a simple formula intended to help those with leadership responsibility to focus on what matters in leadership.
What is the Leader-Mind Equation?
- Jan 29 2021
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- 20693 recent views
The importance of re-inventing your leadership
The breaks offered by the Christmas and New Year holidays provide rare moments of respite in a busy life: a brief period of reflective opportunity to refresh your own spirit; to gather yourself before plunging back into the kaleidoscopic frenzy of a complex working environment.
The importance of re-inventing your leadership
- Nov 20 2020
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- 377 recent views
Transforming 'The Staff' to a Real Team
Team is one of those group nouns that carries a tick of approval with it. Team - a distinctive and productive way of working together.
Transforming 'The Staff' to a Real Team
- Nov 03 2020
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- 2654 recent views
Do leaders who blame - Leave the Cow in the Ditch?
What the experience has illustrated for me immediately is the sad human habit of asking the wrong question when something is awry.
Do leaders who blame - Leave the Cow in the Ditch?
- Nov 03 2020
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- 1983 recent views
Speaking Truth to Power!
The first duty of the follower is to speak truth to power
Speaking Truth to Power!
- Jun 09 2020
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- 2658 recent views
Diversity on Boards
Diversity of directors on boards is not about ticking a box to satisfy quotas or to be seen to be doing the right thing. It is an important role of any board to put a lens over its composition on a regular basis to ensure that the board has the right talent at the board table.
Diversity on Boards
- May 07 2020
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- 3438 recent views
Role of Company Secretary
The role of a company secretary has changed over time from an administrative role to a role that is relied upon to provide corporate governance support to the directors as well as managing the company's affairs.
Role of Company Secretary
- Feb 06 2018
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- 3881 recent views
How Theory helps us to become more effective
Theory can make us less reactive with a better ability to control those events - Theory leads to prediction. Without prediction, experience and examples teach nothing.
How Theory helps us to become more effective
- Dec 08 2017
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- 5680 recent views
Humans are an Internal Control System
Just as a thermostat is a control system is designed to keep an environment at an even temperature, or when we drive a car and constantly make corrections to keep our vehicle on the road, we are always controlling our entire biological and cognitive system to get what we want.
Humans are an Internal Control System
- Oct 31 2017
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- 3092 recent views
How Minds Really Work
Some people struggle with the reality that we are internally controlled. They notice that they are influenced by other people and events. They are aware that they sometimes do what they don't really want to do. They feel that the behaviour of other people is 'causing' their unhappiness.
How Minds Really Work
- Oct 30 2017
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- 3442 recent views
The Myth of External Control
One of the world's most enduring and misleading myths is that we can, and should, control other people; and that other people or events can control us.
The Myth of External Control
- Jun 06 2017
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- 2914 recent views
Great Conference Opportunity
This year's William Glasser Institute (Australia) Conference offers an unrepeatable opportunity to hear and converse with two exceptional International presenters.
Great Conference Opportunity
- Apr 05 2017
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- 3310 recent views
The Energy Factor
If the energy that your staff invests in your business is a crucial element of business success, does it not make sense to lead and manage them in a way that will encourage them to energetically engage with the success of the organisation?
The Energy Factor
- Feb 27 2017
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- 6795 recent views
6-point strategy for Reconciliation Conversation
Use this process when you want to be reconciled with another person after a breakdown in the relationship between you.
6-point strategy for Reconciliation Conversation
- Feb 27 2017
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- 3222 recent views
9 coaching questions to encourage self-evaluation
9 coaching questions to encourage self-evaluation
9 coaching questions to encourage self-evaluation
- Aug 30 2016
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- 2731 recent views
Inside Professional Learning
All the brain can know if knows from inside itself. As leaders however, we can encourage our staff to take the risk that learning and change involves by creating the conditions for learning.
Inside Professional Learning
- Jul 19 2016
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- 3835 recent views
Classroom as a Complex Adaptive System
When leaders try to do the thinking for teachers, there is no possibility that what emerges from the superficial learning that results can survive in the complex adaptive system that is the classroom.
Classroom as a Complex Adaptive System
- Jun 15 2016
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- 13091 recent views
Knowledge Workers
Knowledge workers have high degrees of expertise, education, or experience, and the primary purpose of their jobs involves the creation, distribution or application of their knowledge.
Knowledge Workers
- Sep 29 2015
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- 2889 recent views
Building a High Performance Team
Great teamwork is seen as the key to unlocking higher levels of creativity - and a more committed performance - from a group of people who work together in pursuit of a common goal.
Building a High Performance Team
- Sep 04 2015
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- 2889 recent views
Team Effectiveness and the MBTI
The MBTI provides insights into patterns of behaviour that we tend otherwise not to notice. Rob conducts Myers Briggs Type Indicator Training Sydney.
Team Effectiveness and the MBTI
- May 13 2015
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- 2935 recent views
The Psychological Keystone of Your Leadership
Every writer about leadership development makes some assumptions about people: However, these assumptions are often not declared, and the result is often considerable confusion about the management of people.
The Psychological Keystone of Your Leadership
- Mar 05 2015
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- 2999 recent views
There are two connected dimensions of self-leadership: 1. Self-awareness or self-knowledge 2. Personal mastery. Rob Stones writes on his research on these topics.
- Jan 27 2015
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- 2864 recent views
5 things you must know about Leadership
5 things you must know about people in order to take the guesswork out of leadership
5 things you must know about Leadership